Saturday, April 14, 2012

Beautiful Relations

I don't perhaps talk about them a whole lot, but my sister and brother-in-law and their darling family are a big part of our lives. We hang out with them at least twice a week, and we're having a grand time raising our kids together. When both families are together--well, watch out, because that's a whole lotta kids.
Anyway, I wanted to share (and post for posterity) the photos I took of them last weekend, mainly because they are all SO CUTE and also because I haven't mentioned the Baby Goddess and the Godling for some time. Rest assured: they are awesome and growing like weeds.

Please indulge me for a moment.


So cute, right? I'm so glad we're all related.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Your family is beautiful, DDIL, but I want to see MINE ... you know, as in The Professor, J, B, C, H, and you of course. Heard you all had some really nice Easter photos, too!