Wednesday, November 30, 2011

No-Nap Wonder Baby

This little hooligan is the reason I'm subsisting on 4 hours of sleep.


According to the pediatrician, a baby of his age should be sleeping in 5-7 hour stretches at night.

HAHAHAHAHA Hooooo boy, Mr. Doctor, that is a funny one.


We all pummel our fists and drool in response to your hilarious joke.

I reallyreallyreally would like, nay need, him to be more like this:


Especially considering that, miracle of miracles, his older brothers and sister are zonked out upstairs.

But instead, I get this:


Okay, okay, I'll take him. The double chin and gaze of adoration have convinced me.

Now please sleep.

Love, Mama.


Tracy said...

Does your misery love company? Because if it does, it may help you to know that miss Eliza is not sleeping 5-7 hrs at night, either.

She's given us 2 6 hour stretches on different nights. Since, I've tried to rack my brain and come up with a reason why she slept so long those two nights. was it the bath? the lavendar wash I used? The way I swaddled her? So far, no dice. I think those two nights were a fluke.

janie said...

hahahah i love him so much.