This past Tuesday, almost exactly 6 days after Mr. Raisin made his entrance, My Sister the Goddess had her son.
He was a hoss.
A cranky hoss.
My sister was a hoss, too, eschewing any form of pain management as she pushed out a 9 pound, 1 ounce baby boy. She is my hero.
I'll call him The Godling, as his mother is The Goddess, his sister is The Baby Goddess, and his daddy is Mr. Stinky Fartknocker. It all works together.
Baby Goddess likes him, but she's too young to always be the most gentle. Poke.
My mother, who gained two new grandchildren in less than a week, thus bringing her total up to 6, is pretty happy.

And so is my sister, who is very glad to have her son out and about instead of stubbornly cooking away in her tired body.
So it's Fun Times around here with all these great babies and their older siblings! Both mamas are sleep-deprived and sore, but all in all, we'd rather have them here, complicating everything, than anywhere else.
Welcome Raisin and Godling! Y'all are going to be thick as thieves.
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