The masses have been clamoring for more pictures of The Raisin, and I finally find myself with some time to appease said masses. Please keep in mind that there is not a lot of free time around here for taking lots of pictures, so they're a little scarce; please also keep in mind that he spends most of his time sleeping, and there are only so many photos of a snoozing, swaddled lump of baby that we want on hand. We're nothing if not practical after four kids.
We'll start with some shots from his first few moments here on Earth. (Forgive me if you've already seen these on Facebook.)
My dad, the proud Pa of six grandchildren, including one very grumpy one.
The Raisin tends to hang out a lot on the couch nestled in his Boppy, and, as evidenced by the photo on the left, his big brothers and sister tend to bring him lots of stuffed animals and other presents. I'm including the picture on the right because a) of course Harry Potter is hanging around; and b) my dear friend Katie knit that darling green sleep sack. We call it his sleeping bag, and the cable pattern ringing the top is--get this--a repeating owl. So cute.

We like him. We want to keep him, and we dress him up every day with much care and attention, like he is a tiny, red-headed, poop-producing little wriggly doll.
I hope that sates your ravenous appetites, you masses!
1 comment:
Thanks, Christine!
Can't wait to meet him in person!
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