Tuesday, August 30, 2011

C is Three

Happy Third Birthday to my darling King Peter the Boy!


You are head-strong, willful, determined, and independent to the last. You constantly push the limits, more often then not jumping clean over the limits, risking punishment from your exasperated parents just for the sweet freedom of saying no or doing it Your Way. We often say it's a good thing you're so cute and affectionate. Otherwise, some days we might be tempted to push you out the door and let you fend for yourself.

You have very definite opinions, and can often be heard saying, "But I don't WANT to be a ballerina!" when your mother attempts to dress you in flouncy skirts. You eschew pink and hairbows, instead favoring trains and baseballs caps and whatever your beloved brothers are doing at the moment. Your favorite color is blue. You might just be a tomboy. This is just fine with us.

You have been acting independently and speaking so articulately and performing tasks so admirably for so long that I had stopped thinking of you as a two-year-old a long, long time ago, and I find myself surprised that, only today, are you turning three. At this rate you'll be 17 in six months. Please stop.

Have a happy, relaxed, temper-tantrum-free birthday, my dear sweet precious C. Your daddy, brothers, and I think you are the most wonderful thing to ever happen to us. We love you dearly and secretly hope you go on being your stubborn, opinionated self.


Tracy said...

Happy birthday, C!

Raechel said...

Happy birthday, princess charles! We adore you from afar. And we have a feeling you might have a soul sister is Miss Crazel :)
