Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The One Where I Unload Photos and Call It a "Post"

(Note: Somehow this posted in the middle of me adding pictures. Sorry. I haven't had enough coffee yet.)

I had a few random pictures sitting on my camera, taking up space, and I thought, what better excuse to dump them all on my blog and pretend that they make up a cohesive post?

We are all about the half-assedness around here.

So! Here we go!

Here's a darling recent photo of King Peter the Boy, doing her darling thing in our backyard.


Yes, she has a ruffly swimsuit. Yes, she calls the top part her "boobie cover." Yes, this might be because her mother had to explain to her just why she couldn't run around topless outside like her brothers. It's hard being a tomboy.

It's hard for her mom to understand just when she got so dang big.


She'll be three in August, and I refuse to accept this.

Here's a picture of me on Sunday at 23 weeks pregnant:


I'm feelin' fine. Baby is incredibly active, sometimes for successive hours at a time. It's really hot and I insist on air conditioning already. Husband is sympathetic.

Speaking of husband, you should know that he is a fabulous dad, despite the fact that I failed to post anything goopy on Father's Day. The truth is, I kind of take him and his intense love for and involvement with his kids for granted. It's the truth. Then I hear horror stories of indifferent, uninvolved dads, and I get all weepy and thankful. For instance, last week he didn't have to go into Chicago at all (do you remember that he works at the Adler Planetarium this summer? It's pretty awesome.), so he very deliberately had a date with each kid on separate days, involving bike rides, trains, libraries, and picnic lunches. I even got a date, too! Everyone felt special, loved, and appreciated by Dad.

He's pretty great.


Final picture, this one of an elaborate railroad track my kids and I built in the living room on a rainy day this week:


A sweet reader sent a box of Thomas tracks and trains, and you need to understand that this has consumed my kids' every waking moment since it was revealed to them. Sure, we have a table and tracks upstairs. But now we have A LOT of tracks and EVEN MORE trains. Clearly this arrangement is better.

I hope y'all are having a happy, happy week. Tonight we're celebrating my mom's 29th *cough cough* birthday at our house, and the temperature is only going to be in the 70s. This is a recipe for a fabulous day.


Laurie said...

What a great post! What gorgeous photos of all of you!

Happy birthday to your mom! Tell her I hope she has a fabulous (cough, cough) 29th.

Raechel said...

I love your armpit.

And your kids too.

Thanks for letting us see their darling faces and your darling growing tummy!

What are we going to name him?


Christine said...

Rae, when I posted that photo, I thought, Oh, thank heavens I shaved my armpits that morning. It's really lookin' good in that picture. Rarely sees the light of day. Or the internet.

And if you can guess correctly via 'yes' or 'no' questions, you are welcome to try. My MIL is working her hardest at this right now.

Laurie said...

Right! Working my hardest!

Edwinson! Albertson! Howie!

Gallo Pinto2 said...

Your children are so beautiful. I love the pic of the kids with the professor!

Cindy said...

Yay! Thomas track happiness! Adorable pictures of your kids as usual and sweet track set up! :) I will now slither back into stalkerville/lurkdom...