Saturday, May 14, 2011


So. We had our ultrasound yesterday, and it went great, and baby looks healthy, Praise the Lord. We are blessed beyond measure. Truly, we are.

And I'd like to share a picture of this miracle with y'all, but the CD of pictures we were given is absolutely USELESS (or USFLESS, as I originally typed, there is not very much usf going on here, you guys) as it is not just photo files but an actual installation of the program used by the hospital ultrasound technicians to take and store and manipulate and label said ultrasounds.

And there is no way to, say, I don't know, COPY AND PASTE the dang pictures from this program. Which installs itself on your computer. When you insert the CD. Instead, I can store and manipulate and label my ultrasound pictures just like the professionals within the context of a very specific and user unfriendly computer program. Since I like to do that with my free time.

Where was I?

Oh, yes, also, I am too lazy to figure out (again) how to scan the few actual photographs we received, so you'll just have to believe me when I say, "You guys, it's a baby. Hurrah! You know, it's just like any ultrasound picture. You should google that, because seriously, it's just like a skeleton."

Also: it's a boy.

Yay! We like them.


Raechel said...

Ryan told me! But, before he got it out, I paused him and said, "wait! I have to guess. I hope it's a boy!!!"

I love it when I get my way.

Also, if you're on a MAC, just open up the program, then use command+shift+4 and you can drag and click a screen shot (it will be saved to your desktop). Or, command+shift+3 will take a full screen shot (which I'm sure you know.

Love you, you little baby grower. Praise the Lord for a healthy boy!

sojkijot - wow

Christine said...

Your directions are helpful, but potentially problematic, as a) We're using our Dell nowadays (Mac is sad and old), and b) you can't actually view individual pictures in this program. You just see them all at once. We cannot figure out how to just focus on one image.

It is seriously the most ridiculous thing ever.

But I'm glad you guessed correctly.

Tracy said...

that's really sucky about your u/s pictures. But, my scanner and some photoshop does a pretty standard job. Maybe yours does, too?

Also, congratulations on the boy!

Rachel C said...

Do you mind sharing what hospital you went to? We've figured out how to view and save from Riversides disks in the past...unless of course they are doing it differently than they did two years ago. Always possible in the world of technology!

Denise said...

Congratulations on the boy! I had a problem with my ultrasound picture CD from RMC. I called them and they made me a new one.

Katie said...

Yay!!! Congratulations Christine!! That's such great news. :)