Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Very Public Thank You to My Friend

Dear Raechel,

Thank you for the loverly package you sent to our home this weekend. We got home from a long weekend visiting family in Michigan, and lo and behold!, there was a big box of fun, frilly maternity clothes waiting for me. (I don't think you can understand my joy at this. I am a decidedly practical pregnant lady when it comes to maternity clothes, and your feminine offerings have infused some much-needed glam to my established tee-and-jeans wardrobe.)

Also, there was a pinafore for King Peter the Boy.




She LOVES it. She says it makes her look like Cinderella. When I opened the package, all I could do was squeal, "Nicey Jane!!" So! It's a hit on all fronts.

Also: the bubble wrap. Thanks to that genius inclusion, my children have been busy for two days straight.


And tell Oliver that the boys cherish their personalized cards.

All in all, a better package has not been seen in the Case household for a long, long time. Thanks again for thinking of us all and for sending some cheer into our rainy, windy, April lives. Much love to you.

love and hugs and the Cat in the Hat,


Raechel said...

Haha - I forgot about the cards. Oliver was tiring quickly of his art project and I didn't want to wait another day to mail the package. So I threw them in with only the fronts finished. We'll call them stationary. That makes it fancy, right?

Also, in my rush to mail your package I completely forgot to topstitch the pinafore. It will be fine without. But, if you feel like it, feel free to run a quick topstitch around it with your fancy sewing machine so it will come out of the wash better.

Nicey Jane, indeed!

Glad you liked it. I like you.



Raechel said...

Also, I've never seen a Peter rock a pinnie better. She looks fab. And big. And loverly.

Christine said...

Thanks for the topstitch tip. I'll be sure to do that.

J is only SLIGHTLY concerned that O mixed up the K and C in his name. :) He keeps mentioning it to me, in a worried tone. I won't tell O, don't worry.

Christine said...

Oh, and the oil! We love that bath oil!!

Brittney said...
