Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Odds and Ends

I feel kind of silly, because we finally made a trip to Michigan (remember how Pukefest 2010 derailed our original Christmas trip?) and managed to forget to take a single picture.

So! You get another quick post without pictures. I'm okay with that, because my forte is using my words, not my photography skills. But don't get all expectant about my words, okay? I'm really cold and I haven't had my afternoon coffee. Grr.

Here are a few things you might want to know if you plan on, as we say around here, "keeping up with the Cases":

  • I just finished knitting my first hat. [INSERT MUCH JUBILIATION] Seriously, though, pretty cool, right? I'll upload a picture once I get it pressed and all. It's a black wool hat with earflaps that I knit for The Professor for Christmas, and it's fairly rad. I had to learn how to cable, which, as is usual in the knitting world, was not nearly as daunting as I had expected once I actually sat down and did it. I keep re-learning this lesson. And I will probably continue freaking out about new knitting procedures until I have learned them all, knitted it all, and then I will die. The end.
  • Now I am starting this project, which is slightly more challenging than the hat, as I have to read a cable chart. But I already figured it out, so pshaw, no biggie.
  • Baby C is potty trained. [ZOMG, SERIOUSLY, SO MUCH JUBILATION AROUND HERE] We figured Christmas break was the best uninterrupted stretch of time we would have, so Monday after Christmas (when we were all healed) we started training in earnest. [Insert: She was so ready, you guys. I promise I did not force this on her. She was catching herself going in her diaper and then demanding to be changed. So. Ready.] She had the hang of it after just a few days, and she is officially taking herself into the bathroom when the urge hits, big girl panties and all. We were in Michigan for five days, and she only had one accident that entire time.
  • Really, high fives all around.
  • Baby C is also the most articulate, most chatty 2.5-year old I have ever met. It's insane to hear such complete, big sentences coming out of such a little mouth in such a little voice. And she is, of course, so funny. A few nights ago her daddy tucked her into bed and said, "I love you," and her candid response was, "Yes, you do."
  • Oh, and one other thing she's been saying lately: "I have some stomach/throat in my bottom." This is said in a very woeful voice, and only said when she is (sorry) using the bathroom, and all we can figure is that this means that a) she has gas, and b) this means her bottom is burping.
  • The Professor had a fabulous first semester at Notre Dame, complete with all As, and is enjoying his last few days of break before embarking on a second full semester. Of course, he's "enjoying" his "break" by working at the planetarium. So whatever.
  • J and B are pretty great, too. I just don't have anything earth-shattering to share about them. Oh, they did finish up Taekwondo. They stuck it out for two eight-week sessions, and even though things looked promising for awhile, by the end they were refusing to participate in any given class and/or bursting into tears at the mere mention of Taekwondo. So. No classes. We've all learned some lessons, and we're all happier to be class-free. I figure they'll be stuck in school all day soon enough--what's a few years of completely disorganized play?
  • You guys, I have some stomach in my bottom.

1 comment:

Raechel said...

Hurrah for baby C! And for her Mommy and Daddy who are daytime diaper free!!!


Also, I am still enjoying the photo of baby Junie B in the post below. She looks just like Janie's daughter should look.