Just a couple things:
1. My sister, my brother-in-law, my husband, and I enjoy challenging one another to epic rounds of Bananagrams, which might be my favorite game ever in the history of all time. Ever. (I really love this game, you guys.) After a few rounds the other night, The Professor suggested we try a themed game, and we all settled on "Harry Potter" as a theme. We allowed names and other proper nouns (I mean, of course we did--how could you uphold that rule with a theme like Harry Potter?), as well as consultation of the books for ideas and even fair trade of unwanted letters between players. It was still really, really hard, especially when you drew all vowels or like three X's in a row, and so we eventually combined our words to create one truly epic Bananagrams board:

Probably the most epic Harry Potter-themed Bananagrams board of all time. Ever.
2. It's in the 80s here, which is strange, since we had already transitioned to typical crisp fall temperatures a couple weeks ago and now I'm grumpy because I'm having to dig out my kids' shorts and t-shirts (which are all too small for them at this point) all over again. Despite the balmy weather, my back yard suddenly looks like this, as viewed from my west-facing kitchen window:
This, quite literally, happened overnight. You think I'm exaggerating, but I'm not. One day green grass, then we sleep and wake up and BOOM, the 50-year-old elm in the back has exploded into yellow and dropped half its leaves in shock. I realize that this is how fall happens--you wake up and it's suddenly there--but it's always a surprise, every year.
I took this picture this morning, and I promise you (AGAIN, I AM NOT EXAGGERATING), there are many, many hundreds more leaves covering the yard this evening. We don't bother raking leaves and I'm so glad we don't, since I'd feel compelled to do it NOW, and there is still a 60-year-old maple and a 30-year-old locust who need to shed their leaves.
I can feel them watching me, waiting for me to turn back into the house before they let loose.
In fact, this is probably how that picture should have appeared:

You are, as ever, very welcome.
oh, I just love you so much. I wish I was seeing you this month.
what if my word verification were "asplode"? wouldn't that be delicious?
It's not. It's "puntrab". disappointing. a fall puntrab is not half as exhilarating
I meant bananagrams. I was just a little excited.
I bought Bananagrams right before I had surgery last year, thinking it would be a good thing to lay in bed and do. Sadly I was on way too much medication so it was way too difficult for me. Although people had a great time watching me try to play. Your Harry Potter theme makes me want to give it another try.
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