First off, my sister the goddess had her mini goddess:

Baby Goddess arrived 3 1/2 weeks early this past Wednesday evening, weighing in at a spectacular 7 pounds and 1 ounce. She is perfect and wonderful. There really are no other words. I am over the moon to be an aunt. And evidently The Professor isn't too hung up on being an uncle, either, as he bought out the store at Babies R Us.
He just kept throwing things in my arms!
The other, less wonderful news is that Notre Dame got very complicated. When we sang The Professor's acceptance from the rooftops last week, we thought it was all going to work out perfectly, with very little inconvenience from us, and actually with a lot of perks. Well, things got a whole lot more complicated just a day later, and we have no idea how it will all resolve itself. I don't need to go into details. Suffice to say, we don't even know if it will work out. We've had some time to process this, but it still is sort of a sucky situation. We feel silly for saying anything and naive for believing it would work out so wonderfully.
If you think of us, please also pray for us. We are not playing that it will all pan out to our desires. Rather, we are praying for God's desires, and for our acceptance of His said desires. We are praying for patience, for grace, and for wisdom. We want what's best for The Professor's career and dreams while simultaneously wanting what's best for our little family. It's going to be a difficult decision. I will keep you posted.
Otherwise, things are fairly tame. That's a big otherwise, since the Notre Dame decision and Baby Goddess' arrival have been pretty big shadows in our lives. I am still sewing for the craft fair next-next Saturday, and it looks as if I might get my very own sewing machine this weekend! My aunt and cousin are visiting, and they are bringing my Grammy's old machine. I'm crossing my fingers that it still works. I am so excited at the prospect!
Oh, finally, the icing on the cake was the sunny 65-degree day we had yesterday. It's been getting steadily warmer here, but yesterday was just wonderful. We all went to a park and got deliciously muddy and sweaty, and I think we all felt healthier just for being outdoors. Today it's rainy and gray, but at least we got a taste of spring. I think, especially with Daylight Savings time just around the corner, we may have escaped winter's clutches.
And when you live this far north, that is a wonderful prospect.
How exciting for you to be an aunt! Isn't it a wonderful feeling? 7lbs 1oz is GREAT for a 3 1/2 week early baby! They say the put on a half a pound a week those last four weeks so she would have been 8.5-9lbs if she went to 40 weeks! Crazy to think your sister had 3 1/2 weeks to go and her sweet baby girl is already here, and my sister was due LAST Saturday and she's still waiting. Babies surely do come when they are ready, don't they.
I'm looking forward to seeing your table set up at next Saturday. Are you making any baby headbands?
I MIGHT do some headbands, if I can have everything else done. Don't count on it, though! It's been a busier week than I had planned. :)
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