As you may remember, I am going to be part of a spring bazaar this coming Saturday, March 20th. It's officially called the Spring Spree, and it will be held at Kankakee First Church of the Nazarene from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Here's the official poster for the event:

Sorry if that info at the bottom is hard to see. Basically it's trying to entice you to come by telling you about some of the big name vendors: Scentsy, Mary Kay, Tupperware, Lia Sophia, Avon, and the like. (Just for the record, I think "Scentsy" is a pretty dumb name.) There are 31 vendors total, and their wares run the gamut of possibilities. I'm looking at the list now, and really, there's a great variety. I only see one other booth with anything close to what I'm selling (girls' dresses, in her case--I'm assuming handmade), so maybe I'll stand out?? I don't really care how I do, honestly. I'm just excited to do it. Also, Julie, the director, put my table close to the moms' group (some friends of mine), and they are doing a bake sale, so COOKIES.
Oh, yeah, the info. So you know the time. Kankakee First Church is located at 1000 N. Entrance Ave. in Kankakee, IL (zip code 60901), just south of Bishop McNamara High School. Here is the Google map (I hope. I'm not very good at Google Maps, for whatever reason.) (Side note: Who would put a negative review of a church on a map site? I don't think she's doing that at the correct place.) Kankakee is about an hour south of Chicago, right off of I-57, and it, Bourbonnais, and Bradley all work together to form a thriving and not-so-small community.
Please come out if you can! All of these vendors would appreciate your support, and I especially will, as I am still nervous. I'm excited, but it's a very nervous excited, like everything inside of me is very wobbly.
Oh yeah! What am I selling? Well, here's a sneak peek.
First up, nursing covers:
This is a selection of the vibrantly-colored nursing covers I will have for sale. Nurse your baby in style and don't be ashamed of it is really my philosophy on the subject.
I also have lots of coordinating bibs and burp rags. Here are some of the (unfinished) bibs:
Bibs and burp rags were a great way to use up the small amounts of fabric I had leftover after making my covers. Plus they are easy and fun to put together. (Pardon the messy state of my ironing board. Pretty much my entire house looks like it has vomited fabric and thread.)
I'm also going to sell some hand-embroidered onesies and baby shirts:
I know that's not a very close-up shot, but all of those designs are made of hand-felted wool that I have stitched on with embroidery thread. By hand. I like making them, but they take a while, I'll be honest.
So if anything here catches your fancy (or if you just want to come chat and cheer me on), come visit the Spring Spree this Saturday. And if you're not able to come, be watching my Etsy site for any leftovers that don't get sold this Saturday. Little Miss Fat Bottom herself would be thrilled to send you one of her fabulous originals.
(In case you didn't know, "Little Miss Fat Bottom" is one of our nicknames for Baby C. She is a natural at running a business, I tell you what.)
Praying that you have a successful show. Everything turned out very cute. I will keep you in mind when I have a little one. Baby C is going to be a great baby model for your line of clothing.
I feel like I should probably express my TOTAL support of your distaste for the word Scentsy. Every day I pass a car with a giant Scentsy bumper sticker. The word is upsetting and am terribly glad to see you think so too.
I couldn't find the comment that lady left on googlemaps (which did work, by the way!), and now I'm really quite curious as to what she was complaining about....
Good luck on Saturday! I can't come or else I would and cheer you on, and probably buy cookies at the ladies' tables next to you, because I definitely am not having a baby right now. Like Candice said, I'll keep you in mind! :)
Like Katie, I couldn't find the comment either. I am rather curious. (I only clicked the link to see it since I am pretty familiar with the church's location!).
I think it's going to be a very bad thing for moms group to be near you...I already want all those bibs! Oh and htat super cute onesie with the heart on it. I'm stealing Nick's tip money tonight! =)
Christine- I loved the nursing cover I got from you! I can't wait for you to put more up on your etsy store. I will have to order bibs for my nephew to be. If we didn't have plans already this weekend I would be coming to the craft show.
You all are so sweet! Even if you can't come, I appreciate your kind words and encouragement. You give me confidence!
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