See that teeny, tiny image that I don't want to work on resizing just for my blog reader's eye comfort? That teeny, tiny image is the banner for my Etsy shop.
Little Miss Fat Bottom. Follow that link to see it in its bare-bones glory.
(And if you ever need to get there without the aid of my helpful links, it's fairly easy to remember: littlemissfatbottom.etsy.com)
I have no actual merchandise in the shop, since I'm literally building an inventory. Plus most of that inventory will go toward my upcoming craft show, and I can't post things on Etsy I plan on selling somewhere else. SO. If, by some miracle, you're interested in a nursing cover or a hand-embroidered baby shirt (the two items I'm willing to admit that I'm making, so far), send me an Etsy conversation or email me (casemama (at) keepingupwiththecases (dot) com) and we can set up a custom Etsy order just for you and discuss pricing and styles and whatnot. You do need an Etsy account to order through Etsy, but I'm personally of the opinion that everyone on Earth should have one already, due to the awesomeness that is Etsy.*
Who is Little Miss Fat Bottom? Well, Little Miss Fat Bottom is our home's local princess, the gal who runs the show and calls the shots. I am talking about none other than Baby C, who went by that nickname as a little baby lump, before she began walking and thinned into her skinny, pixie-like self. I thought it was unique and fun, and it lets me remain fairly anonymous on Etsy, since I can hide behind the identity of Little Miss Fat Bottom. I don't care if everyone thinks I'm some wide-bottomed gal churning out baby gear. That's fine by me.
And that's all I have to say right now. I might have to go have some Nervous Throw-Ups. Excuse me.
*What is Etsy? Basically, it's a marketplace for all things handmade and vintage. If you are someone who, say, makes your own jewelry and you want to sell it, Etsy is a great place to do that. You don't need to set up your own website or even an actual storefront--you simply get a free Etsy account, set up shop, and start selling. Etsy does take a small cut of each listing and of your profits, but it's well worth the security, the ease, and the hipness factor. And Etsy is a great place to find cool, handmade things. If you don't want to just buy your baby's bibs and other things at Target, then visit Raechel's site. And if you want a custom knitting order from a professional knitter, then say hi to Janie. Okay, plugs are over!
Does this mean I can brag about, I mean promote you now?
I already have you added in my favorites!
Yes, promote away! Thank you. :) And I'll set up a custom for you as soon as I have an idea of pricing, k? Be patient with me. My kids are getting sick again. :(
You poor mama! Good thing spring is on the horizon (supposed to be near 40 several days next week!), and hopefully they will get better quickly!
I'll find a pic of Elijah in his monster shirt to promote! =)
Very cool!!!
Congrats on the new Etsy shop! You'll do great, I know!
I posted the veggie chili recipe on my blog tonight if you want to check it out.
Hope you and your family are doing well.
I love Etsy, it is an addiction!! I will be checking back to your shop :)
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