My alma mater has published a story on its website featuring yours truly. Basically I got to answer some questions about how darned cheap I am, and they turned those answers into a story that makes me sound like a domestic goddess. You should know that my house is, as I type this, a pathetic mess. I'm taking down my Christmas stuff, so there is glitter everywhere, and I keep finding garland stuffed into the most random spaces. I suspect gnomes. Or my children. They resemble gnomes in many ways.
Anyway, go here for the story.
Also, they sent a photographer out a few months ago when I was writing the answers to my interview. Here's one of the pictures:

Yes, I'm wearing my socks. And my porch looks that pathetic. Believe me, it's a huge improvement on the green astroturf that used to adorn it.
Huge. Improvement.
I enjoyed this article!
And you look great, socks or no socks!
I saw the article in my email! You're like a hometown hero! Or, at least my hero!
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