Friday, December 11, 2009


For two days and one night this week I was in charge of not three, but five children. My friend, Rachel, went to the hospital to have a sweet little baby girl (and Lord knows we need more of those in this world--seriously, we do), so I took care of her oldest two while she did all the hard work.

Really. If you've never done it, just let me assure you: having a baby is hard work. Really hard work. Rachel deserves some serious medals of honor just for doing that, and then another trophy or two for checking out of the hospital a mere 24 hours later. Wow.

Anyway, it was happy chaos at our home for those two days, and we did manage to have a few "uh-oh" moments. That happens, even with five well-behaved children. Sure, all three of these kids were mindful, kind, and happy (at least most of the time), but all five of them are aged 3 and under. Five toddlers = guaranteed uh-oh.

Although you wouldn't believe it to see them, little cherubs that they are, peacefully watching a movie together.

Yes, I make my children stand up to watch movies. I like to think that they are still active on some level. And yes, I did pop in a video or two (or three...or more) when we were hosting Rachel's kids. Folks. There were five of them. I was outnumbered in the worst way. Some videos were necessary for general sanity.

Anyway, the funniest uh-oh moment occurred on the second day. I think we were all getting a little stir crazy. A bad winter storm had blown in, leaving us stuck in the house with temperatures outside hovering around 12 degrees, and everyone, myself included, was getting a little cranky. A little wild. A little grabby.

Do you see what's wrong with this picture? The plant in that pot is a Dragonwing Begonia, a thin, wispy plant with fragile little peachy-pink leaves. The stems in the front are hot pink geranium blooms. Someone (and I really have no idea who, since I caught no one in the act) thoughtfully picked all of the blossoms off of my just-bloomed geranium and replanted them in my begonia pot. Later I was told that they had been "planting" the "pretty pink flowers."


Seriously? Not a big deal. I was initially irritated, but then I thought, hey. It's a plant. Big deal. It will grow back. Move on.

And truthfully, that was about the worst uh-oh we experienced during those two days, as long as you don't count my own uh-oh:

See how I made lemonade out of lemons by
sticking the geranium stems in water?

That, my friends, in my favorite, heavy-duty plastic spatula. And yes, it broke due to the sheer massive resistant power of my chocolate chip cookie dough. I shrieked out of surprise when this happened. And now I'm a little sad, since that was my favorite spatula. And it was purple, my still-favorite color if I admit to you my deepest, darkest secrets.

Ostensibly it's red. But deep down, it's still purple.

Oh, and those cookies? My friend Kristin first found them; go here to experience the pure, buttery magic.

That's two cups-worth of buttery magic, by the way.

You're welcome.

ps: The new baby's name is Adleigh Rose! Welcome, Adleigh! You are loved.


Gallo Pinto2 said...

Um, let me just say you're such a wonderful friend. Watching her 2 on top of your 3 :) Very wonderful of you!

And one day a friend and I were in charge of the 21 Casa de Amor kids by ourselves (just the two of us) for about 2-3 hours (right at diaper changing time) was CRAZY...

BeautifulWreck said...

LOL... love the pics.

4cunninghams said...

We are VERY grateful that you so willingly took our two toddlers and added them to your brood for a couple of days! They have talked about it constantly. They keep telling me they want to go to Miss Stine's. Whatever you did with them, they thoroughly enjoyed it!