Monday, November 16, 2009

Why I Do the Things I Do

So we've been potty training all weekend, and it's starting to wear on me. Actually, to be honest, it was wearing on me within one hour of starting on Friday. We are using the book Toilet Training in Less Than a Day, which uses a sort of immersion strategy. You do nothing but talk, eat, breathe, and sleep potty, and quite honestly, "less than a day" is a bit deceiving. If you use the methods properly and stick to them, and if your kids are really ready to train (according to the readiness tests in the book), then sure, you can bypass months of tiring training in just a couple days. But by no means are either of my boys completely potty trained, which the book sort of blithely assumes will happen. In less than a day.

The authors of the book were rather optimistic, I think.

Also, they weren't training two at once. I think.

I'd say J is very nearly there, although B is a totally different story. He's nervous and scared and just generally hesitant, which turns into holding his poor little bladder for hours on end and then having accidents on the floor, despite lots of prompting, sitting on the potty, and even bribery. B has never been one for change, and this is one of the biggest changes his little mind has had to fathom. It's been kind of rough, and we haven't been out of the house much.

So, in order to remind myself just why I am doing this (besides the fact that we will be spending much less on diapers every month), I'm going to post a few pictures of the kids and their exploits that I had on hand. Enjoy.

J, B, and C in sunnier times:

The boys' (especially B's) newest thing? Building, stacking, and neatly lining up:

In that last picture I was informed that they were building "a castle." Hm. I like it.

I'm off to the old potty training grind. I just wanted to post some pictures of my cute kids to get myself in a patient, loving sort of mind.

Remember, Christine: Every kid ends up potty trained. This too shall pass.


Laurie said...


This is your mother-in-law and I have to let you know that I REALLY think according to what you just posted that Baylor is NOT ready to be potty-trained.

Just my opinion and I'm not an expert. Please consult one. I can't bear the thought of Baylor holding his bladder for hours at a time. That's agony.

Please try again later. Jack might be ready, but obviously Baylor isn't.

Janie/Sister/Auntie said...

Just to pipe in my two cents (b/c I have many children and SO much experience), maybe it's okay that B and J aren't at the same place... twins, yes, but maybe at different stages of development? B could just be a week or two behind J on this. Maybe it will be easier for B once J is all trained; B may see him setting the example and having a good time and will follow suit eventually. Just a thought! Still, in all this, good luck.

MELISSA said...

After stopping and starting way too many times for my sanity I decided to take the advice of a good friend who has 5 children. She said she didn't start hardcore training till they were 3, whether boy or girl, and that was the key to quick success. My oldest is potty trained completely now that he is 4 and really didn't desire to do it before he was 3 so I think she is on to something. I am trying to be patient for a few more months with my daughter. :)

4cunninghams said...

We're going hardcore with Elijah after the baby is born. He is showing all the signs of readiness, but can't figure out how to make it come out on the potty. Kylee's been potty-trained for almost a year, and she still isn't at night though. I will just warn you of that. We have taken away drinks after a certain time and it still didn't work. She just sleeps right through it, but I've heard that some kids are 4 or 5 before they start going all night. I can't wai tfor that!

Elijah likes to line things up and stack them too. Kylee never did that. I don't know if it's a boy thing or if Elijah is going to be my type A child. I think it's so cute to see all his cars and dinosaurs lined up. The day after Nick put our Christmas tree together (yes, it's up with lights, but no decorations yet), Elijah lined all his dinosaurs under the tree. So cute!

Oh, and as soon as we have an induction date, I will let you know. I think we are keeping it a secret from everyone else though.

Carey said...

Don't give up! Its harder on them to just keep starting and stopping. Sam was totally potty trained a little after his 3rd birthday. I think the key to naps and overnights with us was we put his cotton underpants on beneath his training pants. Training pants are no different than diapers, they don't really notice they are wet or getting wet, especially at night. You however are their mom and you totally know best.

Tracy said...

Gosh- I say that to myself all of the time. yes, every child will eventually potty train.