Monday, October 26, 2009

The Gastronomical Adventures of Baby Goat

I know I have simply assaulted you with cute overload these last couple days, but I'm trying to make up for lost time. Also, Baylor and Jack are at the height of toddler happyspeak, and I swear that everything they say is hilarious. Their inflections, even when they are being defiant, are enough to make even me, a consistent disciplinarian, crack into the widest smile. I am forever ruining my Bad Cop routine. We all agree that Jack often sounds like he has a pseudo-Chinese accent, and since he does most of the talking between the two brothers, we hear a lot of his Asian twang.

In today's video, the boys (particularly Jack) teach me the particulars on what Baby Goat (and Goat's good friend Baby Elephant) eat.

Upon further viewing, I have concluded that Jack did not, in fact, say "sugar" but instead "yogurt." I feed plain, no-fat yogurt to my kids on a regular basis; please do not think I serve them up raw sugar.

You should know that shortly after I filmed this, while the boys were still on their "What does the goat eat?" kick, Baylor informed me that goats also eat sinks, airplanes, granola, and pasta.

I'm honored to pass along this privileged information to you folks. Truly honored.


chalkeater said...

Man, they mix up an AWESOME "Nnnnnnnnn-Cat, Butterflies & Dinosaurs" at this little club on South Street.

Baby Goat has great taste! That stuff is off-menu!

I'm not sure this is an entirely appropriate comment...

Tracy said...

My kids are watching and just said "that little boy said that goats eat baby birds!" hahahahaha. They think its hysterical.

Gallo Pinto2 said...

cute!!! Loving the videos :)

Raechel said...

More rave reviews from Oliver and Raechel! Love those boys!