1. Have you ever seen The Story of Stuff? Perhaps I'm way behind on this, but Stephen and I watched it for the first time last night, and we very nearly applauded. It sums up so much of what we believe is true: consumerism is empty, we are wasting finite resources, and we can change the system. It's a 20 minute movie, so be prepared to give up some time for it. But it's fast-paced and very, very interesting. I enjoyed it immensely. It's right up there with Serve God, Save the Planet. And if you haven't read that one, please do. Now.
2. On a slightly less serious but no less important note, there's a New Moon teaser trailer out. And when I found out about it a week or so ago, I watched it six times in a row, no joke. I can tell you exactly which scenes they switched around for the trailer to get the most dramatic effect. No joke. Also, I can predict (with 99% accuracy) just how much time Kristen Stewart will spend standing around looking anguished with her mouth wide open in this movie. No. Freaking. Joke.
(I'm predicting 86% of the time she's on-screen. And 79% of her time off-screen.)
3. If you're a Twilight fan who enjoys laughing at herself (or himself...erhm...), then this fairly recent xkcd comic is just for you. There are a few choice words, but look past them to see the true humor in it all. It means so much more if you've experienced the trolls of the intertubes yourself.
4. And if I haven't yet solidified myself as a true and loyal nerd, then I'll seal the deal by recommending you watch trailer 4b here for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
(Did you know that when this book came out my sister and I went to a midnight release party? And we dressed up: She went as Sybil Trelawney, I went as Severus Snape, my all-time favorite HP character. I had a dark mark and everything. Hey, here's some photographic proof:)

(Our friend Tyler, the one riding my mom's household broom, is dressed as Draco Malfoy, and our cousin Zach came along because there was nothing else to do. He did not dress up. He thought we were crazy. I can't imagine why.)
(Three of us were out of college and one of us was married at this point. I'll let you guess who was married.)
(Also, you should know that I have started re-reading Half-Blood Prince again, for possibly the fourth time, in anticipation of the movie this summer.)
5. I can't get off this vein. Our friend Jeremy recommended that we check out this YouTube video, where a clueless girl attempts to explain the plot of the Star Wars movies. Her thoughtful friend has included helpful animation. Hi. Larious.
6. Finally, I'll close by recommending a book. My sister-in-law lent me The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls, and I absolutely could not put it down. I know, I know, that's a cheesy thing to say. But it's true. Stephen gobbled it up right after me, and he likened the book to a train wreck, saying, "It's horrible, but you just can't look away. You're fascinated." By the time it was all said and done, I had gotten my husband, mother, and sister to read it, and they all agreed that it was a winner. Basically, it's a memoir about some terrible living conditions that are so inexplicably wrong and backward in light of who the author's parents could have been and what they could have done. Jeannette Walls is now a successful journalist. Seriously. Read this book.
That's all I've got, lucky ducks. Let me know if any of this rings true with you or if you have anything fun to recommend checking out.
I think we share similar reading tastes. :)
As for the trailer- um, yes. I'm pretty sure that K.S. is going to be very monotone the ENTIRE movie and will sit on camera with her mouth open that percentage of time as well.
I, too, am going to be rereading HP in preperation for the movie, (which happens to come out on my son's birthday. You don't think a 3 yr old would mind going to see it for his birthday treat, do you?)
I started reading "The Glass Castle" during my hike across England and I literally read while I walked because I couldn't stop! I finished it in two days.
Maybe it was a good thing I had never seen that picture before today . . .
Ooh! Cute new picture of Christine on the sidebar!! Am I the first to spot it?
Love it, by the way!
LOL! I love XKCD! I keep trying to decide which cartoon is my favorite, but I just can't, they're ALL funny!
Hi Christine. I've been checking your blog since you gave me the website last week, but I have just now got a chance to write something. I'm so glad that I can keep up with your and your family now. You do an amazing job with the blog. I'm really impressed. Take care!
Holly Jarrett
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