Friday, May 1, 2009



Working together to demystify the inner workings of the Elmo cash register since 2008.

(People still, thinking it's somehow their business, brashly ask me just why on earth I have chosen to have my kids so close together. This question is posed, of course, after they've already inquired whether or not the pregnancies were planned. Again, it's somehow their business. Anyway, my best answer is illustrated by this photo: I have them close together so that they can entertain each other while I blog! Duh!)

(Also, that Elmo cash register has really held up. Raechel, remember when you, your sister, and I found it on our garage sale binge? And how Elmo kept chanting, "The cookies!" and "Find the number 7!" from the car trunk, where the buttons were somehow pushed against the floor? And how it proved to be an item of contention between our three sweet, though not yet understanding the concept of sharing, young boys? Well, it definitely continues to amaze and delight the Case clan.)

(Last parenthetical aside, I swear: Just the other day all three kids were upstairs asleep, and I was downstairs alone, reading a book. Suddenly, from the depths of the sun room, Elmo's voice rang out: "The ketchup!" I sat, frozen, waiting, but didn't hear anything for several minutes. I shrugged it off and continued reading, until again, that squeaky, eerie voice proclaimed, "The ketchup!" I considered panicking and calling my husband, but then I girded my loins and ventured into the room alone. Lo and behold, the cash register was upside down on the floor, and the button that controls Elmo's thoughts---er, voice--was being forcibly pushed by the pressure. What a relief to know it wasn't coming to life.)


Tracy said...

ha! I love your reason for having them close together. Maybe I'll add that reason to my list. :)

Gallo Pinto2 said...

By the way, I LOVE that you had them close together - whether you "planned" it or not! If I have my way - someday I will have kids really close together too!

Raechel said...

Ha! I do remember that! Nothing like Elmo and ketchup to bring a sibling group closer!

Love and garage sales!

SentimentsbyDenise said...

Sweet post!
It always "gets" me when people feel they must verbalize their opinion about their ideas of family planning to others!
I love to see young families with children close in age because usually the relationship among the siblings is a close one (not always, but usually).
Not knowing you personally (though you know my children), I think you're a marvelous young mother with a keen outlook on life and a vivacious sense of humor - love the way you look at life!

4cunninghams said...

I can understand how you feel about people asking questions. I don't even like it when people ask "Are you trying for another?" or "Are you done? You already have the perfect family." It's really no one elses business and i'm working on some replies to shut people up. =)

That rant aside, your kids are too cute! And they are going to be so close! I'm sure they'll fight a lot too, but they'll be so close someday!

William said...

See, now if *I* had heard the Elmo register, I would have went up, and my wife would jump out to scare me.

I would relate this story of yours to her, but I don't want her getting any new ideas. :D