Thursday, April 23, 2009

Easter Finery, Two Weeks Late

My mother-in-law pointed out that I had not posted pictures of the kids from Easter (the West's Easter, that is. As in two weeks ago.) Really, you can't get your hopes up for these. Many factors were against me. First, I was using my dad's basic point-and-shoot camera, and only halfway through did I figure out how to turn off the flash.

I HATE the flash. And the option to turn it off was positively buried in his camera.

So some of the pictures have a strange wash to them. Also, the boys were in perpetual motion as soon as they got to their grandparents' house. Can you really blame them? There were eggs hidden all over the place! Of course they were excited! Because of said perpetual motion, we never got around to a family picture, which is why it looks like Stephen spent Easter parked on the couch and I, evidently, stayed home.

Sometimes we forget really basic things, like the occasional family picture, because there is simply so much dadgum activity. I am just trying to keep Baylor out of the trash can. I don't have a free brain cell for organizing a family picture. I'm sure you understand.

And then halfway through the pictures a smudge appears on the lens, meaning all the shots of the boys actually experiencing their baskets or pictures of us enjoying the Easter feast are marred by the presence of a ghostly apparition. I told my mom that the Holy Spirit was visiting us. You know, just to check up. And evidently He shows up on film.

The moral of this story is that Charlotte is the only one who got any good exposure, and as usual, she looks fabulous. Peruse the photos and see for yourself.

The hunt begins...

See what I mean by "perpetual motion"?

(Yes, this is my parents' house.
Yes, they have lots of toys.
My mom can't resist a good
garage sale Little People special.)

And... that's pretty much where photos of the boys stop. During the frenzy that was the egg hunt, Charlotte sat in her Gampa's leather recliner and was just generally ridiculously precious. Her Grammy Great sent that dress several months ago, suggesting it for Easter, and lo and behold, it fit. So I used it.

I do apologize that we aren't more organized with our pictures of late. With the weather turning nice again, perhaps I'll remember to get some outdoors shots. Or maybe I'll just work hard at keeping Jack out of the rock pile. We'll see how this all works out.


Mighty M said...

Looks like a great day - and you're right, Charlotte does look fab! ;-)

Laurie said...

Thanks, Christine! These aren't so bad and the ones of Charlotte are ADORABLE!

When Bill and I come for our visit in a few weeks, I'll be sure to organize some family photos of your family, as well as some of all of us (plus Janie & Ryan!)

See you soon!

4cunninghams said...

They all look like they are having a great time! I think it's really great that you guys still do the traditional western things with your families.

4cunninghams said...

Did you make it to the farmers market? We went after it rained, but there wasn't much there. I wasn't sure if a lot of them closed up during that time or what. I am really looking forward to when the fruit and veggies start coming out during the summer hours. I'm not into planting flowers because, well, I don't like to get dirty (not sure how I'll do with a boy!) but I do want those fresh, home grown fruits and veggies. Especially since I'm not the one who has to labor over it! =)
Can I tell you, I think you're supermom!