Friday, April 10, 2009

Clippie Contest: We Have a Winner!

This morning Stephen took Jack on a special Jack-and-Daddy date, so Baylor, Charlotte and I were left to play together. It's strangely quiet when the boys aren't together, hatching up wild plans and chasing each other around giggling maniacally.

I think I prefer the maniacal laughter, personally.

Baylor and I conferred and decided to go ahead and draw a winner for the Clippie Contest. (I guess that's a misnomer. I should have called it a "giveaway.") I wrote every entrant's name on a separate star-shaped post-it note and threw them all in a Bristle Blocks container, which Baylor sifted his hands through for a while before pulling out our winning entry.

I promised science, and don't let it be said I didn't deliver!

Drum roll, please.

And our winner is...

(In case you can't read that lightly scrawled-in-pencil name, it says "Kelsie.")

Congratulations, Kelsie! Email me with your address (I'm not sure if I have your most recent one...I'm terrible with my address book.) and I'll send it your way. And in your email let me know if you want me to make the clippies non-slip for fine hair. Rebekah told me how to do that. Remember, she's doing this professionally.

Thanks to all the entrants! And I've been practicing more with the clippies and have already come up with some winners (and some losers--oh, boy, are there some doozies), so if you have any requests, I'd be happy to hook you up. I'm even experimenting with loud, obnoxious flowers. Because, you know, I like loud, obnoxious accessories. A lot.

And perhaps I'll branch out from the brown/pink/white color combo. Stranger things have happened.


Kelsie said...

Wow! I'm shocked, I NEVER win anything!!! Way to go Baylor!!:) I'm so excited to give them to my friend's daughter. My girlfriend has had a tough year and I have no doubt that these lovely clips will make her(and Ava's)day! I think the non-slip clips will work great for her hair. I will email you my address. Hip-hip hooray for me and your awesome contest!!(I'm glad there was no restrictions against family members participating.) Lots of love!!

Guenevere said...

Totally irrelevant, but... So glad you jumped on the Shelfari bandwagon! I'll have to friend you.

Christine said...

Oh, I totally got it from you. I should have told you. Raechel then copied me and put together her own. We're fans. Well done.