Last week, in my first Raechel-inspired Way Back Whensday post, I shared a little of the story from my twins' early days. I never had a chance to find some old-school photos of Candice (the Dolly Parton-esque picture of her with balloons shoved up her t-shirt is a Becker family classic), so for now I'll have to content myself with some images from our wedding.
Stephen and I will celebrate our fourth anniversary this coming May 21st. (I think. I get it confused with the twins' original due date.) Two states, two pregnancies, three kids, two cats, one dog, three jobs, four homes, and many episodes of Star Trek later, we are still hopelessly in love. Good thing, too, since we consider our marriage contract very binding. We're pretty much stuck with each other.
Given the gravity surrounding our situation, you think he would have figured out that I hate it when he wears his socks two days in a row. Oh, well. At least he's accepted my addiction to high-end coffee.
I wish I could share our engagement story. It is unbelievable, hilarious, and something straight out of the genre that is Chick Lit. Alas, my forever-embarrassed husband has made me vow over our shared complete collection of T.S. Eliot's writings that I will never, ever divulge the details of that evening. Suffice to say, he proposed in London, under the lamplight of a lamp lining a quiet, deserted street.
Besides the gory, embarrassing details that can't ever be shared, it was a perfect moment. Too bad we also didn't have our camera with us. You'll just have to believe me and live forever in suspense.
Anyway, we waited over a year-and-a-half to get married, and it was a long time to wait. When the day finally came, we enjoyed every moment of celebration with our wonderful family and friends who had traveled to Kansas City for the ceremony. After a slow honeymoon in Florida, we returned to reality, which included the task of moving all of our possessions from locations within four separate states to a completely different fifth state.
Don't ask how this was possible. It is, and of course it happened to us, and of course I have blocked every detail of the time.
Without (much) further ado, here are a few photos from the day. These pictures are all courtesy of my father-in-law and our friend Brennan, who were both so good to snap so many photographs for us that day. I can't share any photos from our hired photographer because they all have "ZUMARE IMAGES" superimposed across their centers. You know how that goes.

My dad married us.
I wonder how uncomfortable this was for him.
As tired and young and zoned-out as we look here,
I included it so you could see the cake.
I loved that cake. I think I got one bite of it.
I bucked the trend of having seven zillion bridesmaids
by asking my cousin, K, my sister, and my (now) sister-in-law
to stand up front with me. They were, and are, pillars of strength.
What wonderful, beautiful women.
(Oh, and trivia: I am carrying the handkerchief
my great-grandmother carried to her children's weddings.)

Baylor just looked at this photo and said "Mama."
I'm so glad he can recognize me from four years ago.
One final bit of trivia: I bought my wedding dress on eBay for $79. It was a cast-off from a wedding store, last-year's model, and worth over $1,000 brand-new. It had hung on a mannequin for a while, and I had the highest bid. Just a couple visits to the seamstress later, and it fit perfectly.
I like to tell that story.
Another one I like to tell is how my mom, sister, and I completely fell in love with our photographer. Seriously, we were like silly, giggling little junior highers around him. Stephen and my dad were so patient and steadfast with us.
Especially my dad, since he was paying the biggest portion of our wedding budget to the object of our shared affection.
Aw! Love it! I wish we could hear the engagement story. I posted mine for today.
You look stunning! I'm so glad you and Stephen take marriage so seriously. I feel like so few people do these days.
The pic of you guys leaving the church with all the rose petals has always been one of my favorite wedding pictures EVER...of anyone I know!
And even without knowing the WHOLE story of the engagement it's pretty romantic and unbelievable...
Looks like a beautiful wedding! Love the photo of you guys leaving the church showered in rose petals! So romantic :). I love seeing people's wedding photos. Thanks for sharing.
My mom bought her mother-of-the-bride's dress for $4.95 at Carson's. I like to tell that story, too.
Oh and also, my mom, sister, and I are hopelessly in love with one of my dad's best friends (who sang in my sister's wedding). He came to my wedding and we shamelessly swooned all evening.
I came over from Rachel's Xanga site. I enjoyed reading the 3rd installment of the discipline series. I greatly admire the way you handle those situations. It makes me feel better about the way I discipline when I'm baby-sitting. I have much the same form of handling the kids. I must be the one in control. Everything goes haywire if it's the other way around!
I had to comne and look at this entry though about your wedding because I LOVE weddings! Your dress is gorgeous, you looked gorgeous, your cake is beautiful, basically I love everything about these pictures! Haha. The third picture is perfect- the petals, the look on your face- love it!
I like how you just had 3 bridesmaids too. My roommate is getting married next summer and is having 6 bridesmaids; that's just too many for my liking. Although, I may be eating my words whenever I get married! I hope my future husband doesn't have a ton of sisters. Haha. :)
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