Hurrah! It's Monday again! Thanks to MckMama's genius blog carnival invention, I get to tell you about what I did not do in order to get through my week. Raechel and I trade off every week, so check out her confessional from last week, too.
- I did not allow our pantry to become so bare that I was forced to feed my children graham crackers and corn chips for lunch one day.
- I did not get after my husband for allowing Baylor to fall out of the church pew and gash his ear open even though the whole incident was clearly accidental. In doing so, I did not recklessly ignore the fact that Jack gashed his ear open a few months ago on my watch. (Baylor's okay, by the way. No stitches were necessary.)
- I did not make my husband get up four nights in a row and take care of the baby, a task that is usually my job. I do not take advantage of Steve's general stupor in the nighttime to catch a few extra minutes of sleep.
- I did not eat approximately seven pieces of Valentine's chocolate throughout the day yesterday. I did not justify this by telling myself that my body obviously craves what it needs. I do not sometimes "forget" that I'm not pregnant anymore.
- I already confessed to this, but I'll make it official: I did not reread the vampire love saga. I did not purchase the Twilight soundtrack and Breaking Dawn with my birthday money.
- I did not forget my husband's Valentine's Day gift in the car, therefore allowing him to sneak a peek of it ahead of time. (It was an electric tea kettle. Odd, I know, but he wants to fix tea and ramen noodles in his office, so it's also practical.)
- I did not use Facebook to stalk friends from high school.
- I did not sit at my computer for approximately 20 minutes, hitting the refresh button over and over, so that I could get pictorial proof of being the 10,000th visitor to Raechel's blog.
- When Raechel did the same thing in an attempt to be MckMama's 3 millionth visitor, I did not make fun of her.
- I did not beg my husband to buy me the five-issue graphic novel adaption of Pride and Prejudice. I am not a huge geek.
- And finally, I did not force my children to all lay down for a nap one afternoon, although none of them were at all inclined to sleep, just because I needed a few moments of solitude to myself. I did not ignore their cries and enjoy a late cup of coffee.
Happy Monday! Have a fun week being imperfect.
I do not love Twilight too. Love that your husband let you get some extra shut-eye. That's a good man. Your ambition with getting the screen shot is most impressive too.
Bravo! An excellent list of confessions! I'm with you on the occasional, bare-pantry induced, crap-for-lunch thing. It happens.
Life happens, if I try to feed Nico something and he wants a cookie after a long days work, sorry but he can have the cookie...it's called real life :)
Great confessions! I try to get Kylee to take a nap still but it usually just screws us over at night when she doesn't want to sleep!
Will you stop doing "Not Me Mondays" when you get entirely sanctified?
Didn't you know that corn chips have been named an honorary vegetable? No shame about that one! :-P By the way, Charlotte's headband in the picture on the sidebar is adorable! It reminds me of the ones that Kelly Stamps puts on her daughter Harper (kellyskornerblog.com).
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