Sunday, February 8, 2009

Goings On

Prepare yourselves for an onslaught of pictures. The weather was gorgeous, the boys were energetic, and the grandparents were in town. It was a perfect storm.

This is what I found when I looked over my shoulder one day last week after being vaguely aware of Jack making his, "Hey, Mom! Look over here!" noise. I was pleasantly surprised to see that he was building something instead of being his usual Monster Destroyer self. I was even more pleasantly surprised when I saw how house-like his block creations were. I never showed him that, honest!

Oh, yes, and then the weather hit 60 degrees on Saturday and the natives ran out of the house screaming. And before you think I'm ridiculous for putting windbreakers and woolen (gnome) hats on my kids in 60-degree weather, just remember that they are getting over colds.

(Oh, those eyes.)

(Oh, those knees. Laundry was in order
as soon as we came inside.)

This is the position both boys found themselves in
when they fell on the slippery mud and
refused to let go of the rocks clenched in each of their fists.
They were like floundering little goats,
except without the sure footing.

So many Little People!
I can't resist them when I'm at garage sales.

Helping Grandma and Grandpa hang a light.
Pay no attention to that hideous chair.

I hope everyone has had an enjoyable weekend! The forecast says it will be 66 here on Tuesday, and we are already excitedly making park plans. Hey, it will be back in the 20s by the weekend. We're going to enjoy it as long as it lasts.

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