Go to xkcd.com for funny, obscure, geeky comics. Yeah, they're pretty dirty sometimes, so view at your own risk. The author is a guy with a physics degree and a background in programming, so oftentimes the comics are pretty out-there and even esoteric. And sometimes they aren't funny at all. But when they're funny, they are funny, at least to Stephen and me. We're pretty geeky, and we get most of the obscure references to Firefly, Star Trek, grammar, and other subjects along those lines. Plus my husband, who also has a degree in physics and teaches astronomy for a living, definitely gets all of the math and science references. Here's a good one I stumbled across this morning:

Get it?
(If not, here's a good, concise explanation.)
You are such a nerd! You make me giggle.
Good Job Case family...xkcd currently is the highlight of my Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (and most other days when I poke through the archive)
By the way, your kids look great...Do Jack and Baylor have favorite ST:TNG characters yet?
Obviously their fave TNG characters are Data and Lor...obviously!!
We miss you, Knute.
Oh, and Ken, too.
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