Monday, December 1, 2008

I Would Like to Use the Word "Bedlam" to Describe Today

Bedlam would be a good descriptor. Because really and truly, it feels like I am running an insane asylum. An asylum where the inmates are sick, very cranky, and under the age of 2. Also, the inmates are restless, and the snow and ice and sickness prevent us from getting out of the house.

And we are all going insane. Is that clear?

[Side note: The baby is laying in my lap, and she just sneezed six times in a row. Amazing.]

Not only are we all snotty, sneezy, grumpy, and dopey (Thank you! I'll be here all night.), but I had the brilliant idea of introducing potty training to the mix. I started with Jack, as we only have one potty chair for the time being, and he very dutifully sat on the potty for long stretches of time, reading books, singing songs, chatting, and basically doing everything BUT going potty in the potty chair. Without fail, after I had made him sit as long as he could stand it, he would get up, pull up his little cotton training pants, and immediately pee in them... or poop, however the spirit moved him. This happened no less than four times.

I'm pretty certain he thinks he is committing a social faux pas if he dares go to the bathroom without something, a diaper, underwear, whatever, cladding his little bottom.

I realize that this may be a signal that he is not quite ready, but I'm not willing to admit defeat yet. If I can just get him to go once and see that he gets an M&M for doing it, I have grand visions of everything falling into place, because the Lord only knows how much my candy-deprived children will do for a bit of sweet. Even if this whole venture blows up in my face for the time being, at least I have all the necessary supplies, and at least Jack looks just too cute running around the house wearing a shirt, cotton training pants, socks, and stripey leg warmers. (I promise to get a picture.)

So with all of the INSANITY going on around here, it's no wonder that my sweet, long-suffering husband, who so patiently helped take care of sick kids during his whole Thanksgiving break and weekend, stated last night that he was looking forward to going back to work.

Meanwhile, his wife broke into quiet, desperate sobs...


Kristy said...

I just have a idea about the potty training (which may or may not work) so if you want to try it feel free, if not, I won't be hurt. I let my little potty-trainers run around bare-bottomed. I made sure that their shirts covered all the necessary parts, and of course they were clothed if company came over. But, they didn't like going "potty" without a diaper or undies on so I just took them away. It worked really well for the peeing, the pooping they refused to do until they were 3, but they always asked for a diaper and I figured if I don't have to clean it out of undies (which I think is the yuckiest mom job ever) then I would give in and give them a diaper to poop in. They would even go into the bathroom to do the pee thing before coming to ask for the diaper. It was funny. ANYWAY, just thought I would share.

Christine said...

Ah, not a bad idea. I was using the cotton trainers just for that purpose (so he could feel the wet, unlike a disposable trainer that would absorb better), but you're right, he thinks he needs something on his bottom. If I feel brave today (HA!) perhaps I'll give it a whirl. Thanks!