Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Daily Trivialities

I haven't posted pictures detailing the daily trivialities of our lives lately, so here you are.

Fighting over who gets to sit in the bouncy seat.
Note: This is probably why they think
that it's OK to sit on their sister when
she is in the bouncy seat.

Brennan shares his pictures with the boys.

Dad took this picture of Charlotte and me
I just like it because of her expression.

Baylor coming home from church.

Finally, something about which I am truly embarrassed and remorseful. Steve, not knowing the finer points of laundry, threw his 100% wool sweater in the wash, and I, being the whirling dervish I am about our TEN PLUS FULL LOADS OF LAUNDRY EACH WEEK, didn't check the wash before throwing everything in. Thus we have a picture comparing his newly-shrunken sweater to a shirt of mine that fits me perfectly, if even a little snugly. I might be able to fit into this sweater, so all is not lost. Luckily it's from Target, so it's easily replaceable.

I still feel badly. He gets clothes so rarely (and dresses up regularly for work) that I can't afford to shrink his sweaters!


Gallo Pinto2 said...

Awww poor sweater...but anyway I wanted to tell you that I LOVE your hair in the pic with Charlotte...and would love to see the whole haircut :)

Janie said...

well, if you can't fit into it, use the felt for a craft project!!! Or pass on the lovely felt to your wool-hungry sister-in-law. she'll always take shrunken sweaters. can't wait til Christmas! see you soon.