Monday, August 18, 2008

Patiently Going Insane

Baby Charlotte is still in there, happily cookin' away, oblivious to her mother's fast descent into insanity.

Yes, that sounds dramatic, but I'm really going nuts here. Stephen and I have now developed an impressive repertoire of various cheers that we walk around the house chanting, urging the boys to clap and cheer with us, all in an attempt to get her here now. I have been looking up increasingly spooky-sounding "natural" labor inductions online, flirting with attempting to get her here on my terms, but I'm really too chicken to ingest any exotic herbs, clear out my insides with castor oil, or ask my husband to massage certain pressure points on my body which are somehow connected to the special Uterus-Go! Button.

A large part of the problem is that, not only do I feel like I am now the size of a dwarf planet, complete with two of my own little orbiting satellites (scientifically named Jackus maximus and Baylor whineous), I am mentally and emotionally ready-ready-ready to have a new baby and do new baby things. Probably a lot of this has to do with my pre-term labor scare three weeks ago--I was ready then, and I haven't stopped being ready. If anything, I am readier than ever. Forgive my poor grammar, but it's so true. I have trouble focusing on anything other than getting this baby here.

Our hope is that she decides to come sometime today (Monday) or tomorrow so that Stephen can miss out on a very, very pointless new faculty orientation that only deals with things like email login and the online Blackboard system, both of which he has been expertly using for the past eight months. We are picky, yes, but we like to hope that God takes our silly whims into account sometimes. Likely she will hold out for another two weeks, just in time for the start of Olivet's fall semester.


I am reminded of a song that my dear friend, Raechel, used to sing to me in college, when I was definitely impatience personified: "Have patience, have patience, don't be in such a hurry. When you get impatient, you only start to worry. Remember, remember, that God is patient, too. And think of all the times when others have to wait for you." I think I have those lyrics right. Even if I don't, the easier-said-than-done message is clear: Back off, Jack, and just relax.

Be patient.

1 comment:

Raechel said...

Ha Ha! I'm so glad that some of my incredibly sage insights have stuck with you! You do have the lyrics just right. Even the part I like to skip, "And think of all the times when others have to wait for you."

Come on, baby Charlotte, come on!!!!

I love you, you big dwarf planet! :-) And, if it helps you decide what induction methods to try, Rebecca tried all of them and Beatrice was born 2 weeks late! Since then we haven't really taken a lot of stock in any of them!